How To First Line Indent Word For Mac

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First Line Indent Marker determines the left most edge of the bullet character itself. The selected block, or the current paragraph, automatically has an indented first line. To remove the first-line indent from a paragraph, repeat these steps and select (none) from the drop-down list in Step 3. Then click the OK button. To begin a new paragraph, typically you tab before typing, creating an indent on the first line. Sometimes, however, you need to indent the second line of the sentence or paragraph while leaving the first line flush with the left margin. These types of indents are most commonly used in creating reference lists when you want the first line to. Apr 19, 2020 Open your document in Microsoft Word. You can do this by double-clicking the file on your computer. A hanging indent indents the second line of a paragraph instead of the first. This type of indent is most often used in bibliographies and reference pages. Setting a first-line indent on Pages for the Mac. Setting a first-line indent on Pages for the Mac.

Although this is not so obvious, the position of the bullets or numbers in a list is influenced byindent markers you see on the Horizontal Rulerwithin PowerPoint. There are three types of Indent Markers. The First Line Indent Marker, theHanging Indent Marker, and theLeft Indent Marker. In this tutorial, we will explore howthe First Line Indent Marker (shown highlighted in red within Figure 1, below)influences the position of the bullets (or numbers). First Line Indent Marker determines the left most edge of the bullet character itself. If youdrag the First Line Indent Marker along the Horizontal Ruler, the bullets associated with the selected text also move accordingly.

Figure 1: Bulleted paragraph selected on the slide

Note: For reasons of clarity, we will use the term 'bullet' for the rest of this tutorial -- but anything we do with abullet in a bulleted list works the same way for a number in a numbered list.

How To First Line Indent Word For Macs

There are several characteristics of the First Line Indent marker that can be so useful in positioning your bullets. Follow these steps to learn more inPowerPoint 2011 for Mac:

How to first line indent word for mac and cheese
  1. Select the bulleted paragraph or paragraphs that youwish to tweak. In Figure 1, above -- you can see the first bulleted paragraph has been selected.
  2. Note: If you want to change the position of a particular bulleted paragraph, thenselect only that individual bulleted paragraph. If you wantthe change to effect all bulleted paragraphs in the placeholder (or text box), select all the paragraphs.
  3. With your selection still active, you can reposition the bullet in any of the following ways:
  4. Way 1

  5. If you want to move the bullet character rightwards, drag the First Line Indent Marker towards the right, as shown inFigure 2.

  6. Figure 2: First Line Indent Marker being dragged rightwards
  7. Tip: Pressing the key while you drag the Indent Marker will give you more control over the placement.
  8. Upon dragging the First Indent Marker to the new position, you will find that the bullet character associated with the selected paragraph hasmoved rightwards (see Figure 3). Compare it with the bulleted paragraphs that were not selected. As you can see, the space betweenthe bullet character and the paragraph following it has been decreased, and also the space between the bullet and the left edge of the textplaceholder has increased. However, the start position of the paragraph following the selected bullet character (of the first bulleted paragraph) hasnot changed. It's on the same position as the second paragraph that was not tweaked.

  9. Figure 3: Selected bullet new position
  10. Way 2

  11. Figure 4, below shows the position of the selected bullet character when the First Line Indent Marker is dragged and placedin a position where it overlaps the other two Indent Markers (Hanging andLeft Indent Markers) on the ruler.

  12. Figure 4: First Line Indent Marker overlapping the Hanging and Left Indent Markers
  13. You can also drag the First Line Indent Marker rightwards beyond the position of the other two indent markers as shown inFigure 5.

  14. Figure 5: First Line Indent Marker being dragged beyond Hanging and Left Indent Markers
  15. This results in a different paragraph placement, as shown in Figure 6.

  16. Figure 6: Bullet character's position unaffected even after moving the First Indent Marker
  17. As you can notice in Figure 6 above, the actual position of the bullet character cannot move beyond the Hanging Indent Markerposition. Instead, the paragraph itself has now moved to the new position of the First Line Indent Marker!
  18. Moving the First Line Indent Marker leftwards until the position of the Hanging Indent Marker will show the effect on the bullet position. Thus,although you can actually drag the First Line Indent Marker rightwards as much as you want, this only influences the paragraph, and you cannot movethe bullet any more rightwards beyond the position of the Hanging Indent Marker (Hanging Indent Marker).
  19. Way 3

  20. If your selected bulleted paragraph is in a lower hierarchy (Bullet Level 2 or lower), as shown in Figure 7 below, then youcan also drag the First Line Indent Marker towards left. Refer to Figure 7 again.

  21. Figure 7: First Line Indent Marker being dragged leftwards
  22. Leave the First Line Indent Marker in a new position where you want to move the selected bullet character. This moves only the selected bullettowards left, not the paragraph following it, as shown in Figure 8. Compare the positions of the selected bullet characters inFigures 7 and 8.

  23. Figure 8: Bullet character moved leftwards

How To Do First Line Indent In Word Mac

Note: Instead of changing position of bulleted paragraphs on each and every slide in the presentation, you can access theSlide Master view and make changes there. This way you will bemaking changes just once and every slide will be effected.