Raz Kids For Mac
Ensure student comprehension with corresponding eQuizzes that follow the completion of every eBook that include multiple choice and constructed response questions.
Interactive Annotation Tools and Features
Engage students as active readers, and provide opportunities for them to develop important 21st century and Common Core skills, including critical thinking, close reading, and understanding the main theme or idea of a book.
Engaging eLearning Environment
Make reading fun with the Kids A-Z eLearning environment, which provides a personal library for every student and includes built-in incentives and awards that keep them motivated and engaged day-to-day.
Digital Reporting
Download raz kids for iOS to reading A-ZRAZ-kids 20Reading a-z PhonicsReading a-z803. Raz Kids; Internet Safety Resources For Teachers; Prepare for College/Career K-12; Disclaimer; Upcoming Events. December 18, 2020. Last Day of School in 2020.
Digital reports provide instant feedback on every activity or assessment a student completes, including the activity progress, assessment score, and feedback on specific Common Core skills.
Raz Kids For Mac Games
Spanish Translations
Access hundreds of leveled eBooks and eQuizzes translated into Spanish — ideal for ELL, bilingual, and dual language programs.
French Translations
Ark: extinction - expansion pack download for mac. Access hundreds of French translated eBooks at 27 levels of difficulty, all with accompanying eQuizzes — perfect for immersion programs or native French reading practice.
Raz Kids For Mac Desktop
Mobile Access
Raz Kids For Mac Computers
Take reading on the go with the Kids A-Z mobile app, which includes students' leveled reading content on Apple, Google, and Amazon mobile devices.