Edition Gold Spellforce Cheats

Edition Gold Spellforce Cheats
Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
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Debug mode

While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + D to enable debug mode. Hold [Ctrl] and press W, E, R, or S to toggle various debug functions.

Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press ] or [Plus] to display the console window. Note: Some versions of the game may require that [Left Ctrl] + ] or [Left Ctrl] + [Plus] to display the console window. Type one of the following case-sensitive codes, then press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Press [Esc] to close the console window.

Edition Gold Spellforce Cheats Gameshark

Result Cheat Code
Infinite manaApplication:SetNoManaUsage(1)
99999 of all resourcesApplication:GiveMeGoods(99999)
Cast heroes fasterApplication:FastHeroCast(1)
Fast constructionApplication:SetBuildingFastBuildMode(1)
Can build advance warriorsApplication:SetFigureTechTreeMode(0)
Can build any buildingApplication:SetBuildingTechTreeMode(0)
Freeze current time of dayAtmosphere:TimeLock(1)

Current Trainers: SpellForce 3 V Trainer +8 SpellForce 3 V Trainer +8 SpellForce 3 V1.31 Trainer +8 SpellForce 3 V1.38 Trainer +8 SpellForce 3 V1.40 Traainer +6 Options: Inf.Health Inf.Wood Inf.Stone Inf.Iron Inf.Iron Bar Inf.Food Inf.Arya Cask Inf.Arya Potion. Edition Gold Spellforce Cheats. 0 Comments Spellforce Cheats Walkthroughs; Everything you need to know about SpellForce: The Order of Dawn. Mar 21, 2013. In SpellForce: The Order of Dawn, SpellForce: The Breath of Winter and SpellForce: Shadow of the Phoenix there are lots of different spells and effects. Also there are lots of different requirements and other stats that need to be looked at. Thus this article sums up all necessary information regarding skills in the first three SpellForce games. Way before any ability there are lots of.

Note: Change '(1)' with '(0)' or vice versa to disable the corresponding active code.

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ

Spellforce Universe Cheats

Oct 29, 2009 For SpellForce 2: Gold Edition on the PC, GameFAQs has 5 cheat codes and secrets. SpellForce: Platinum Edition Cheats. The following commands can be used in the ingame console to solve some bugs that possibly occur during the different story campaigns. You can open the console by pressing “Ctrl” & Shift & “+”. After you successfully entered your commands you can close the console by pressing “Esc”.

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Spellforce walkthroughsCheat Codes

While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + K to display the console window. Then, type one of the following case-sensitive codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
Toggle Avatar's health never reaches zeroLogSender:GodMode([0 or 1])
Toggle spells have no cost and recharge timeLogSender:NoManaUsage([0 or 1])
Toggle fog of warUI: FOWEnable ([0 or 1])
Gain indicated amount of goldLogSender:AddMoney([number])
Gain indicated amount of all resourcesLogSender:GiveGood([number])